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Things your babysitter needs to know PLUS a free printable

My oldest son is 11 years old.  (I actually wrote this several years ago.  He’s 13 now.  I’m just getting around to publishing this!) We don’t have any family around us so we’ve always had to use a babysitter.  It can be really scary to leave your child when they’re small.  I scribbled my phone number on a piece of paper and threw it on the counter.   I worried the entire time so I figured out a better way to get our information.  Scroll down to see the things your babysitter needs to know.

You may be wondering what things your babysitter needs to know before you leave the house & how to organize it all. Don't forget to grab this great printable too!

Things Your Babysitter Needs To Know

I made this cute printable that you can print out below.  It’s perfect to leave notes on and it has some information that your sitter will need in case of emergencies.


Make sure you leave your babysitter a detailed schedule, especially if you are doing a bedtime routine.   I know kids can “go with the flow”, but mine would never plop right to bed unless the routine was followed.  Do they need a bath, snack, story, or all?


Write out detailed instruction of any medicine your children will need, especially if you have more than one that needs it.  Make sure you leave those little medicine cup dispensers out where she can find them!


Make sure you give any special instructions for a dog or cat.  I know our dog is so wild so I always make instructions that it’s ok to put the dog in the crate, even if he barking, if he’s getting out of control.


I know when my kids miss a snack they are CRAZY grumpy.  We don’t want to do that to a babysitter.  Don’t forget to write those times down and leave any instructions for an easy meal.

You may be wondering what things your babysitter needs to know before you leave the house & how to organize it all. Don't forget to grab this great printable too!

Make sure the babysitter has all your important information

I always worry about if there is a fire or the babysitter need to call an ambulance.  Does the babysitter even know our address by memory?  Probably not.  I have this great printable I made that works perfectly.  It’s perfect for grandparents and aunts and uncle babysitters too.

I found a much better and easier way for my babysitter to have my information than rewriting it every single time she came over.   It was close by so if there was an emergency she knew exactly where it was and had everything she needed.  I wrote out all the important information that I thought the babysitter should know and taped it on the inside of one of my cabinets.  It lasted forever and every babysitter we had thought it was such a great idea.

You may be wondering what things your babysitter needs to know before you leave the house & how to organize it all. Don't forget to grab this great printable too!

I was unloading the dishwasher a couple of weeks ago and realized that my sheet had torn.  I guess one of my kids ripped it when they were getting a glass.  We still needed our information sheet so instead of just taping it back up I made this printable.  I filled in the information and taped it back in my cabinet.

***It’s easy to print out.  Just follow these directions.  Click here or the image above and it will take you to Dropbox so you can download the image to your computer to save or print. I have my printables stored there so I can give out a higher quality image without slowing my website down. Please let me know if you have any issues and I’ll get you going!***

If my babysitter ever had to call the police or ambulance, I know that she can open up the cabinet and have my address right there.  It made me feel much better  knowing she had all this important information.

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