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Help! My Child Keeps Waking Me Up At Night

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I know people that let their kids sleep in their beds and I know people who do not.  We do not let the kids sleep in our bed, but lately my daughter, who is 4, is getting scared at night and wanting to sleep in our bed.  

Help! My child keeps waking me up at night!  What should I do?

She has been coming in our room sometimes 5 times a night, upset and not being able to sleep.  It’s starting to drive me crazy and I am not sure what to do.  She comes in, very upset, saying that she is scared.  I make sure she does not need to go to the bathroom because that sometimes wakes her up.  Then, I walk her back to her bed, tuck her back in, give her a kiss, and talk to her for a few seconds.  I tell her it’s the middle of the night and we are all sleeping and everything is okay.  All this started a couple of weeks ago.  We leave the closet light on and leave her door open, but it does not seem to be enough.  This is killing me since I am finally through the baby stage and use to getting my normal sleep. Waking up in the middle of the night is causing me to be cranky during the day.  Should I give in and let her sleep with us until she is out of this phase?

When I put her to bed she complains she is scared and she wants me to sleep with her.  She will not even go upstairs to get her PJ’s on anymore by herself.  I was a great sleeper before kids. I did not sleep well while I was pregnant and nursing and I have finally caught up on my sleep.  Having her in my bed will keep me awake and I do NOT want to be in a bad mood during the day because I did not get good sleep but I also do not want her to feel scared.  She is fine during the day and never mentions the night, but I can tell she is tired towards the end of the day. 

I normally do not let the kids sleep in bed with us, but after waking up in the middle of the night 3 or 4 times, I’m considering just letting her get into bed.  I really do not want to get into the habit of doing this because I am afraid it will make it worse when we do make her go back to her bed.  She is upstairs sleeping in my bed right now and I will move her back to her bed before I go to sleep.  Am I doing the right thing?

Should I let my child get into my bed?

If you have any advice, please comment below.  I am willing to try anything!  


Saturday 29th of February 2020

Maybe your home is haunted. Sometimes children are more preceptive to the paranormal. What you might shrug off as nothing might actually be something. I would suggest instead of monster spray you either leave the light on all the way not just the closet or set up some Infrared cameras and and a voice recorder and try to capture exactly what is happening in there. Or you can sleep with the kid until its old enough to start smoking pot. Ur choice...

My room was haunted. My mother said "it's nothing, go to bed"!!!

Turns out a guy died in my room and she had to wait to purchase the home until the bank released it..and she knew about it. When i was 12 I walked through him in the middle of the day as I was headed to the bathroom. He would terrorize our dog the second we all the the home and trap it at the end of the hallway. Everytime we came home we had to clean up sh*t because the ghost literally would scare the shit out of him. If your kid is scared trust him or her. Start looking for another place to move to or stop buying things from second hand stores that might have entities attached to them. Specifically inrelation to you if it is attached to something its probably an old box or set of drawers.

If yiu didnt have a problem before and there is a problem now... What did you bring in to the home during that time. Did you go anywhere on vacation? Do some investigative work. Figure out what use to be on the property before your home was place or who used to live there. Back in the day ppl use to hide shoes in the wall to create immortality.

Jody Brown

Sunday 10th of June 2018

I have 3 year old twins, they have never really slept through the night. They would go through flukes where they'd through maybe 1-2 nights a week. The last 7-8 months they haven't slept through once. They are waking me up on a good night 2-3 times a night, on a bad night 4-6 times a night and I'm completely burnt out to a crisp. I don't know what to do to get them to sleep through, I'm barely functioning at work and at home. I have no energy for anything and I'm so incredibly depressed.

Kimm Kotze

Friday 29th of November 2019

I’m right there with you, my three year old son for the last 2 weeks is now stuck in the 5-7 times... usually its 3. I’m going mad


Wednesday 13th of June 2018

Oh no! Hang in there. It will get better. It seems like a habit now and I'm sure they're cranky too. Try calling your doctor because I'm sure they know some good tips.


Friday 5th of June 2015

I have been going through this with my 5 year old for a while now... but it comes and goes. Sometimes he gets up, uses the bathroom and then is willingly getting back into bed. Other times he is very adamant about sleeping with my husband and I and becomes upset. We have sat down with him and let him know that he needs to sleep in his own bed and there is nothing to be afraid of... (my sister even made him a "monster" animal to protect him, which he loves) ... but he still gets up, 3-4 Times. Just recently though.... he stopped waking us up. However, it's because now, instead of coming into our room he has been getting into bed with his older brother!!! At first I thought, " Awww, big brother is protecting him", but now big brother is complaining because the little one is a hog. What should I do now? HELP!


Friday 5th of June 2015

I tried the suggestion about bringing the blankets in and putting it beside my bed. When she gets upset, I just grab her top blanket and throw it on my floor. It seems to have helped. I had to do that about 6 times, but she seems to be staying in her room more. She's still scared and we're still trying to get through that.


Wednesday 15th of April 2015

We were running into this scenario with our 3 year old son. He was coming in 3-5 times a night and we would walk him back to his room, we were beyond exhausted (all three of us). Finally I made a little spot for him on the floor next to my side of the bed. I used one of our sleeping pads from camping, blankets, and a pillow. Now when he comes in I give him the option of the spot on the floor or back in his bed. He usually picks the spot on the floor and sometimes he doesn't even wake us he just lays down in his spot. Another bonus is he is sleeping in past 6am most mornings, before we were lucky to get to 4:30am. I'm sure this isn't ideal and a habit we'll eventually have to break but for now it is working for us and I hope (fingers crossed) this habit is easier to break versus him sleeping in our bed with us.


Wednesday 15th of April 2015

Great idea!


Wednesday 15th of April 2015

My 2 year old willingly sleep with us when she's teething. It been 2 weeks. No new teeth but it's the 2 year molars she's working on. Used to be midnight now it's like 10 pm when she comes in. My 6 year old is also getting around midnight complaining she needs snuggles or go back to sleep this has been going on about a month. My hubby would go lay with her. Now we're both tired and irritable and have reached our limit. We are stressed cranky and frustrated. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to this. My mom is staying for a week this summer and she cannot deal with this alone nor do I want her to. Anyone have any advice?! We're desperate!!!!!


Wednesday 15th of April 2015

Oh no! I hope it gets better soon! I'm taking the wait it out approach and hopefully it will get back to normal. I'm walking mine back to her bed every time she gets up. Maybe you can offer a reward to your 6 year old for staying in bed all night, like an ice cream cone or trip to the dollar store. Hopefully those teeth come through soon on your little one. It's bad enough when one has a sleep problem, but you have 2!