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Clean 15- FREE Printable

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I’ve recently realized that life had gotten really busy and I got out of some of my healthy habits.  I’ve been spending my days volunteering at school, attending my tap class, and blogging instead of preparing healthy menus, dinners, and snacks.  I noticed I was going to the grocery store 5 times a week to pick up a few ingredients because I wasn’t prepared.  It was starting to get annoying because I was wasting so much time.  I decided that I needed to get back on the wagon and start leading a healthy lifestyle again.  I got out my Nike Fuel, which is several years old and similar to a FitBit, and started tracking my steps.  Now that I have been doing that a couple of weeks I felt that I needed to start on the food area again.  I feel this is the most time consuming so I kept pushing it back.

I decided to start with adding some items from the clean 15 list to my shopping list.  These are fruits and vegetables that are the lowest in pesticides.  I decided to swap out a couple of items that we normally buy to some items in the CLEAN 15!

I made a FREE cute printout that you can hang on your refrigerator or slide into your coupon binder.  Make sure you pull it out the next time you are making your grocery list.  It was a few little changes that didn’t cost a dime and I’m reducing the pesticides I’m feeding my family.

Just hover over the image and right click to save to your computer.  Now you can print it out.

Clean 15- Free Printable


You can get a printable of the Dirty Dozen here!