I’m always making menus and grocery lists on random pieces of paper and then it’s getting lost on my desk, car, purse, or junk drawer. So when I get to the grocery store there’s about a 50% chance that it hasn’t been thrown away. Then I’m walking up and down the aisles and wondering what I forgot. I thought I would make a cute one so it won’t accidentally be thrown away or lost. I’ll know exactly what is is by the cute design.
My calendar is one of my most popular posts lately. People are downloading it like crazy. I think everyone’s trying to get ready and organized for the new year. I thought I would make a matching menu and grocery list to print out too. It prints out just like you see it below, the menu on the left side and the grocery list on the right. You can cut them apart or leave them together, your preference.
To download and print you’ll need to click on the underlined name or image. It will take you to Dropbox so you can download it to your computer and then print now or later at your convenience. You won’t need an account to do this. Let me know if you have an issue, but no one has had any problems downloading the calendars.
If you came across this first and would like the calendar too you can head on over to that page and print out the months you need or the entire year! It’s really cute.
Here’s what it looks like.
If you are looking for something a little different, then you might like this style.
Sunday 21st of January 2018
Thank you so so much for what you do!!! I found your printable calendar two years ago and each year I'm back on your site looking for the calendar for the new year! It is so easy to see everything at once and there is also a touch of colour on each page to keep me smiling.
Monday 22nd of January 2018
Thank you!
Thursday 13th of July 2017
I wish I knew how to make graphics on a computer. I can paint, but online is not my comfort area. Thank you for taking the time to share these! I love them and they have helped me organize my life!
Thursday 15th of December 2016
Thank you so much for the printables! You've made organization simple and affordable for me...and beautiful too :)
Friday 16th of December 2016
Your welcome! I'm really working on getting organized next year and saving money.