Anyone doing back to school shopping? Make sure to take advantage of these back to school tips. If you’re planning ahead, you can save $600 in 12 week!
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I was just going over our budget and adjusting trips and sports due to the coronavirus. I realized that back to school isn’t that far off. Our school starts pretty early, August 4th this year. (They get out on May 23.) That doesn’t give me much time to get organized and save since lacrosse and soccer season will go into July.
When it comes to back to school shopping, I always spend more money than I think I will.
Families plan ahead with vacation and Christmas budgets, but back to school can really break the bank if you aren’t prepared for the extra expenses.
I’m always on the lookout for any kind of money tips and saving tricks.
Back to School Shopping Tips
1.Take advantage of your states tax free shopping day. This is perfet for higher priced items like computers, small appliances for dorm rooms and clothes.
2. Keep an eye out for sales. My oldest wears a uniform to school and have to buy it online. I can buy early in the summer, but if I wait, they usually give discounts on shipping and logos that are required. Also, plan in advance because it could save money to buy some items and put away until winter when you can’t get a good price.
3. Reuse items that you already have. Backpacks and lunch boxes can be expensive. You don’t have to purchase a new one every year. Clean them out and throw in the wash. You may could get another year or two using them.
4. Shop used. You can find some really good deals at consignment sales, shops or watching Facebook Marketplace. My daughter gets all her boots second hand.
5. If you buy online, keep an eye out on inventory levels. My kids love those over the ear headphones. So do a lot of other kids. Make sure to buy those early on Amazon because they sell out fast. Lunch boxes and backpacks are in a similar situation. Everyone needs them around the same time and price will go up the more demand they have.
Back to School Tips
6. Buy enough school supplies to last the entire year. I usually do my school supply shopping at Target or Walmart and you can get things super cheap! Always buy enough folders, composition books, extra Expo markers and other items to replenish teacher supplies and replace a torn folder. It’s a perfect time to stock up on new crayons, glue and pencils for your house too.
7. Shop your at home inventory. Take a look at what you already have left over from last year or what your kids didn’t use from the year before. Many times, composition books have only a few pages written in them. Tear out those pages and use it again.
8. Don’t buy extras! My kids are allowed to purchase one item not on the list, like a cool pencil holder or colored pen. Any more than that, they have to purchase with money from their wallet.
9. Buy food in bulk. I don’t like using coupons because I always lose them and it’s so much work, however, around back to school there are tons of coupons for breakfast and lunch foods. Now that you have coupons buy more than you normally would while it’s on sale. Warehouse stores usually have lunch stuff on sale too. Just hide it so the kids don’t scarf it down for a midnight snack. I’ve learned this from experience.
Save $600 in 12 Weeks- Free Printable
The best part of using all those money saving tips is that if you have a good plan, you can make your money go even further. I realized that if you save a little every week when school gets out, you’ll be prepared come August.
I have all my printables stored on Dropbox so I can give you a higher quality item without slowing down my site. You don’t need an account to use it. Just print it out or save it to your computer.
It’s easy. Just click here or the image below. After you print it out, cut along the dots and glue it on an evelope. Now you’rre ready to save.
Here are more helpful back to school tips