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Ways to spend quality time with your kids during the week

This post was sponsored by Hasbro as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Have you noticed that as your kids get older life gets busier?  I have three kids and they are all involved with different activities and attend different schools.  I really have to make an effort in our free time to put my phone down and spend good quality time with them individually and as a group doing things with ALL enjoy.  Squeezing quality time into regular life can be easy and inexpensive.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money or do major projects either.  Check out my list below.  Sometimes we all need just a little motivation!

Ways to spend quality time with your kids during the week

  • Going on a hike/walk-  We live near a state park and hiking is easy for us.
  • Cook together
  • Eat together
  • Look at old photos
  • Make a secret handshake
  • Lay down with them at bedtime and talk
  • Create a book club and read the same book
  • Build a fort
  • Tell jokes
  • Give the dog a bath
  • Wash the car
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Help clean their room
  • Sit on the porch and eat snack together
  • Make videos-  My kids are into making those flip bottle videos right now an my phone is full of them.
  • Family game night

Check out our game night the other day.

We have the regular Pie Face game, so of course my kids wanted this one too.  They get so mad if they don’t get hit with the whipped cream!  My kids are very competitive with each other so this is perfect for them!


I love game night because we can participate as a family without distractions.  The Pie Face Showdown will be in stores and online nationwide on October 1st!  We looked all over for the regular game last Christmas and it was sold out everywhere because everyone was playing it. You may want to go ahead and grab one while there’s a good supply (hint, hint Christmas gift!).  It’s a good price too, under $25.


I hope gave you some good ideas and reminders that it’s important to make time for your kiddos when life gets busy.  It’s great to connect while doing simple, fun, and inexpensive things you can all enjoy.

Photo Credit

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