I don’t know about you, but I spend a majority of my time in my kitchen. It’s located in the middle of my house. Even when I’m not preparing a meal, I’m still there. Kids are running in and out and it’s the most used room in the house. It’s seems to ALWAYS be cluttered. I sometimes feel that even when it’s clean, it doesn’t feel clean because it’s being used so much. Here’s a way to have a cleaner kitchen (or at least feel that you do).
Have a Cleaner Kitchen
I found a trick that really helps my kitchen look and stay cleaner. It’s really simple. I’ve gotten in the habit of always keeping the dishes out of the sink, counter, and stove. It’s easy to make something in a pot and just place it in the sink. It’s easy to finish breakfast and your kids lay the plate on the counter.
When the dishes are out of the way the kitchen looks so much better and less cluttered. It’s easy to teach your kids to place their plate in the dishwasher. Wash the dishes when you’re done using them, don’t wait until after dinner cleanup.
It’s not much, but try it out. It will make a difference and clear up space. You feel like you accomplished something too! It feels great in the morning to walk into a kitchen with an empty sink and dishes done.
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